Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Another Wednesday...

Well, another Wednesday is in the books. Nothing new or exciting going on. What's new? Nana slept until after lunch today. She is getting worse by the day. Even with that being said, I don't know that she'll die anytime soon. I'm not saying that I wish she was dead, but I don't like seeing her like this. She doesn't know anyone or how to do anything. She's helpless without me. I don't know how much longer I can go on taking care of her. She talks in her sleep. Off in sometime in her past, I think she is reliving everything she has done. It's too sad to bear.

In other news...I would like to be something in the near future. I'm not sure what, but something would be nice. I'm not sure how to get there or what it will be, but something amazing. Along with that, I would like to fall in love sometime soon. I'm super tired of waiting for the right person. When will he come to me? Hope it's sometime soon!